And let me guess. You think it’s stupid. You probably think it’s a waste of time. And you are so busy freaking out about life that you don’t have time for “one more thing”? Or maybe a part of you doesn’t want to admit that help would be nice… that having school come a little easier would be helpful? I get it. I have been there, and I have heard the same from so many others. It’s all just a little overwhelming to process. But, let me tell you why YOU should WANT to do this program.
First, what does “this program” even mean. Well, it starts with an evaluation. Yeah, not like a test that you need to freak out about. It’s actually more like I sit back and watch as you do normal everyday stuff like draw and toss a bean bag around. It’s not even a test like there’s a right or wrong answer. I just want to know how you would do things naturally without thinking too much about it. So, the stuff I ask you to do is very easy stuff you’ve done all your life. BUT… the real kicker here is that through a lot of training and experience I can tell exactly how your brain and body communicate and where we can make improvements. I know… improvements. It’s like I just told you that you need to improve. That’s just ONE MORE THING…. But, in this case “improving” just means making your life easier and more enjoyable. So, don’t panic.
Now, I know what I do sounds all mystical and shrouded in secrecy, and hey, in the 1600s I probably would have been burned at the stake for talking like this, but nevertheless, the science backs me up. What muscles we use, and how we manage our body will tell me things like whether a person has dyslexia, anxiety, ADD, or depression, among other things, and more importantly WHY and HOW to fix it. I can go into the science behind perceptual motor skills, but all you need to know for the moment is that it works.
And here’s why it would matter to you if I can tell how your brain and body communicate. Simple answer: I can make your life easier. And who doesn’t want that? I don’t think anyone is sitting around thinking, “You know what I wish… I wish life was harder. Dang it, I wish that life was so impossible I felt like I was always drowning in a million of my own thoughts and feeling crushed by undeniable angst and terror over all the possibilities of ‘tomorrow’.” And yet, when someone like a parent wants to make life easier through, oh I don’t know, signing you up to start this program, it’s easy to deny wanting it. But it might be time to take a step back and realize that just about everybody on this planet wishes life was a little easier. What if there was a way to make it easier? What if we could make life enjoyable again? What if we could cast off all the stress and anxiety and learn how to handle more and use less energy to handle more? What if you woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and ready for the day, rather than dreading yet another day. What if you didn’t have to do anything to “change the world” other than smile and be happy again. THAT is why you WANT to do this program.
Here’s a list of all the things other teenagers have experienced while doing this program:
-Better sleep
– Better at sports
– Better coordination
– Brains thinks more clearly
-Brain can remember better
– Less anxiety
-Less stress
– Happier
– Reading and schoolwork is easier
– Better grades with less effort
– Enjoy being around people again
– Less tension and stress in the body
– parents nag less (because they have less to nag about)
You convinced yet? I know school feels like the only thing that is important right now and frankly you probably just want to survive long enough to graduate and get out. But the sad reality is that being an adult isn’t easier. Take the time NOW to set yourself up to handle life and actually enjoy it. Do what it takes NOW to be more successful. Learn how to not be so anxious and stressed. You want to enjoy life. I know you do. But that takes effort. It’s not hard effort or even a lot of effort. But this program might be the most important thing you do for your future.
So, let your parents win on this one. Come over and let me help you.