25 Ideas for Date Night AT HOME! –
Don’t Let CoronaVirus Kill the Romance in Your Relationship
Did you see the meme that speaks to the possible stress our shelter-in-place and social distancing practices could create?

Why “At Home Date Night”?
It’s our goal in this article to make sure that a “Herrrrre’s Johnny” moment is NOT the ultimate outcome for your relationship as you (like the rest of the world, lately) may find yourselves spending a lot more time at home. What’s our plan for preventing the insanity? (. . seriously. Put the bat down, Jack. You’re scaring Wendy.) The plan is: “Date Night” at home.
Trying to do a date-night to keep the romance and spark alive has become increasingly difficult. Theaters, restaurants, bowling alleys, and other go-to date places are closed for business. Plus, with families stuck inside together, couples are finding it difficult to have quality alone time away from the kids. You may have to get creative, but you can have meaningful dates right in the comfort of your own home.
Preparing For Your Date

First, you’ll have to separate the kids from your date night. If you have multiple floors send the kids upstairs for their kids-only movie night or put them to bed early. Or, just move date night into your own room, but one way or another, try to find some space to yourselves to have uninterrupted time together. Kids might balk at first, but with practice, they will realize that date night is serious business. Plus, you can make it a fun opportunity for them to practice their own independence. Have them pretend you are literally not there. Similar to being out on a date, you can offer to answer texts in the event of an emergency, but otherwise, kids are NOT to interrupt your date.

OK, now that you have a section of your living space allocated to yourselves, you are almost ready for the date. One more thing: A key to an effective date night is to make it special and different.
You want to impress your date. Shower, dress up, and put on cologne or perfume, as though you’re going out. Set a time to start the date, and PLAN on it being FUN! This is date night—let’s get to it.
What to DO for Your Date – Our 25 Ideas
OK, the kids are all set (–or if you don’t have kids, you’ve removed other distractions) and you have your alone time. You smell delicious. You’re dressed and ready to go, now… WHAT do you do for the date? Rather than just watch Netflix and eat Freschetta instead of Totinos, you want to make the activity something interesting and engaging.
To help inspire your creativity, we have prepared a few ideas that might be fun to try—even when there’s NOT a shelter-in-place order in your town. Here are 25 ideas for you to enjoy with your significant other, and keep the love alive —even from your own home.
1. Game Night
Uno, Yahtzee, Dice, Mancala, or Checkers… Whatever your faves as a couple, GO FOR IT! Don’t forget the classic ‘no-board’ games like truth or dare, 20 Questions, or Name That Tune. But don’t just play the games, do them up ‘date night style’. That means: have snacks, allocate prizes, and beef up the competition!
If you’re sick of the same-ol same-ol, maybe try some of the fun new games you’ve likely heard of. –Or if you haven’t heard of these and this is your introduction to them, then you’re welcome! Cuz these games rock!

Unstable Unicorns – This game was named the Peoples’ Choice Toy of the Year 2019. Build armies of unicorns and hinder your opponents. Lots of fun… with unicorns.

Taco vs. Burrito – The wildly popular surprisingly strategic card game developed by a 7-year-old. Fun for all ages, try your hand at winning by making the wildest meals.

Hive – Surround your opponent’s queen bee while trying to block your opponents from doing the same. This is a fun one to get you thinking from an insect’s perspective. It’s also fun to

Pandemic – Assemble your team to discover the cure, stop the spreading diseases, and avert a global disaster. This one’s not ‘new’ per se. But we couldn’t resist putting it on the list for now. (And we’re not the only ones recommending it, apparently. This 10-year anniversary set is going for more than $100. Not sure what you usually spend on a regular “date night”, but may be worth it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What other fun games have you heard of or played? Be sure and share in the comments.
2. Double Date Game Night
If you want to increase the fun, try video conferencing with another couple and play Pictionary! We wanted to introduce this idea of tying in other friends early on, as you might consider adapting any of your other date activities for bigger groups. Use Zoom, Skype, Facetime or whatever other video chat tool you prefer. And either share a screen, or split screen options so you can use notepads and drawing tools in a way that the others on the call will see what you are drawing and be able to guess.
Maybe even mirror your display to a bigger TV, so it feels like the others are right there in the game room with you. Pick teams and have a prize for the winning couple. If you want to get all crazy with it, throw or attend a virtual party. Put it out on facebook, Instagram, or your other favorite social media. Or just text your friends list. Let everyone know what essential they should plan on, so you can have a “shared” meal and comment on the food as part of the whole shared experience.
3. Movie Somewhere New
Lots of folks have been watching lots of TV during their social distancing time, but for date night turn off the lights, grab some popcorn curbside from your local movie theater (check for participation) while you’re out on your weekly “essentials run”, and watch a scary movie, or a romantic comedy together. Only this time, don’t sit in your ‘usual places’. If your regular is watching in bed as you drift off to sleep, go sit on the couch, or in a different room. Or if you always watch on the couch, cozy up on the bed, and watch from there. Changing it up helps make the date just a little more interesting.
Also, be sure and pick something engaging. Remember—this is not the time for you to just watch your ‘regular stories’. It’s date night. Mix it up, make it fun, and watch for sponsored or special offerings that may not commonly be available to you.

For example, catch some classic Broadway musicals in Covid season while BroadwayHD is offering a 7-day free trial on their regularly $8.99/month service. Also, as a special consideration for the nation (and world) staying at home for a time, there are a variety of Broadway musicals that have been (or will be) made available through Netflix and Amazon Prime, as well as other services. Do some research, and find some more interesting entertainment than whatever the ‘everyday’ represents.
4. Go on a Walk
Pick up curbside dinner and then walk home! Small businesses, especially restaurants are struggling to stay in business with people staying away, so support a small business by picking up a nice meal! Call ahead for better service!
5. Paint Night
There are lots of online tutorials that will teach you how to paint! Watch one ahead of time to make sure you have all the supplies, and then learn to paint together!
6. Ceramics
Order supplies online before hand, and then paint ceramics together. There are lots of ideas online of different ceramic projects.
7. Crafts
You can make a variety of crafts together. Do ones you know or learn how to do new things together. Take the finished products to a neighbor or friend to brighten their day. Some ideas could be leather working, macramé, wood carving, whittling, book making, crochet, knitting, sewing, embroidery, parachord, etc.
8. The Great Date Night Bake Off
Watch a baking show together and try to make what they are baking! Watch ahead of time to know what ingredients and tools you may need.
9. Dance Party
Get dressed up, pick a playlist, and get jiggy with it! For more fun, invite friends on zoom and have a dance off.
10. Online Personality Tests
Haven’t you wondered what Disney Princess your spouse might be? Or what 90s icon they might be? Take online quizzes together and get to know what their inner-workings might look like. Take our advice, though, and DON’T take compatibility tests. It’s a trap!
11. Disney Rides
Haven’t you wondered what Disney Princess your spouse might be? Or what 90s icon they might be? Take online quizzes together and get to know what their inner-workings might look like. Take our advice, though, and DON’T take compatibility tests. It’s a trap!
12. Plan a Dream Vacation
Plan every detail of the perfect destination. Where would you go? Where would you stay? What restaurants would you eat at? What sites would you go see? What activities would you try? Plan every detail! Dream big, money is LITERALLY no object on this date!
13. 1-2-3-4 I declare a Meme War
See who can find the best memes on any given topic. Spend hours looking over hilarious, theme-fitting memes and see who can come up with the best memes.
14. Romantic Hot-Tub Getaway
Learn how to make your own bath bombs, and how to candle-dip and make your own romantic, candle-lit hot tub experience. If you work this one right, it can take up a few weeks of date nights since bath bombs can be one night, candle-dipping another, and then putting it together for you getaway will be a third night.
15. Learn How to Wrap like a Professional
Yes, I said wrap, not rap, (but getting your inner ‘Vanilla Ice’ or ‘Fitty Cent’ on and learning how to lay down hot whilst bustin’ yo rhyme can be an idea for another day as well.)
. . . to be continued!
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